The BBA is happy to announce a new dynamic online band calendar available from the menu bar under “Band Calendar”. This is a dynamic calendar that is fed by an iCalendar file (ICS) available on the publicly Internet. The calendar is available from this URL: Brookwood Band iCalendar (ICS) File Download . Copy the URL to your favorite calendar application.
Use this URL with a calendar application like the iOS calendar app, Outlook, Android calendar and many other subscription capable apps. Make sure your calendar client refreshes this calendar 1 time per day as the calendar can change daily.
For instructions on using the ICS file please consult the following internet links:
ICS File – What is an .ics file and how do I open it? (fileinfo.com)
Use iCloud calendar subscriptions – Apple Support
Subscribe to someone’s Google Calendar – Computer – Google Calendar Help
Import or subscribe to a calendar in Outlook.com – Microsoft Support
How to Add an iCalendar Link to Your Outlook Calendar (howtogeek.com)